Case StudiesPlayLet's Work


Improving the user experience of an advertising mobile product
User Testing
High - Fidelity UI

My role

User Research, Wireframing & Visual Design.


iOS Mobile


Media & Advertising, SAAS


2 months
Zigcast is a start-up digital signage company that seeks to empower individuals and businesses to reach and retain audiences in physical spaces with its modernized form of traditional marketing.

Small businesses believe that the investment in advertising is often seen as an expense as opposed to way of generating revenue. Business owners with superior qualifications tend to believe less in the effectiveness of advertising. These owners lack the knowledge and skills to apply and trust digital marketing strategies.

PRoject scope

Small businesses believe that the investment in advertising is often seen as an expense as opposed to way of generating revenue. Business owners with superior qualifications tend to believe less in the effectiveness of advertising. These owners lack the knowledge and skills to apply and trust digital marketing strategies.

At Zigcast, I worked with Bernard, another product designer to create an application to make it easier for business owners to gain access to physical spaces to advertise their products and services.

Market Research

During research, we understood small business have been turned off by digital signage as a working solution for themselves. Most view investment in advertising is often seen as just as expense instead of a means to generate revenue.

On the other hand, business owners with superior qualifications tend to believe less in the effectiveness of advertising. Small businesses face a huge challenge that is decisive to their future: investing enough in advertising in order to be able to compete effectively in the marketplace, versus the lack of data that supports the benefits of advertising.

Here are som data from the current market.
Fig 1 - Market Research

COmpetitive advantage

We compared applications that utilized similar functions like Uber, Yelp & Instacart. We measured our ideas for the application with current consistency standards as it is safe to assume people use other digital products than yours.

Optisign was already a big player in the same market. We reviewed their features and made comparisons to pick the features we found useful such as multiple options of templates and  screen size options to pick from.
Fig 1.1 - Competitive Advantage

User Insights

A remote interview was conducted amongst a total of 5 participants to test the initial product. We tested the participants on set of tasks and observed their interaction with the application to see if they needed help with their own marketing efforts.
Fig. 1.2 - User Insights
Fig. 1.3 - Old prototypes

Creating a Solution

I drew up sketches, created an MVP user flow and designed a system in which users would used to navigate the platform.

Lo-fidelity prototypes were created before creating the hi-fidelity prototype. We made a mini UI kit which maintained the brand’s colour scheme with a blue accent to complement the brands colours and changed the current brand's fonts to Proxima.

We had created an efficient way of linking the process of creating an ad and advertising it in a kiosk location which we called campaign mode. We included options to advertise in single or multiple locations and we the ability to create new designs from a marketing template.
Tap image to view others


Another round of interviews were conducted remotely with 5 participants in which we instructed the users to sign in to the application, onboard, create a campaign of your choice. Participants were encouraged to voice out their thoughts as these actions were carried out.


During this project, we learned the significance of digital signage to small business owners. Our research showed that advertisers would be open to using the product as far as there is a transparency in its cost. Our MVP improved user’s experience making it more intuitive and visually appealing thanks to the changes being made.   We plan on introducing a s system in which we introduce transparent pricing for users.